Tuesday, July 31, 2012

G Update

So the past few weeks have been really busy with the church so I haven't been able to update.

         We have a couple of updates for the month of July. A few weeks ago while Jeff and I were at youth camp I got a few calls from our social worker while we were out on ministry site. I wish I could explain to you the panic that comes over when it seems like something could be wrong. I am already freaked out that somehow we won't get G. So I called her back as soon as I got to my phone and she says that G has been in the hospital and they think he has Asthma. If you know the Montgomery family you know how funny this is. We are a family of Asthmatics. Me and my brothers have it, my cousins and now my nephews. So when she tells me, I just laughed and said, "Well he must be my son!" Later on we found out he had a severe case of pneumonia and was wheezing a lot. But he is back in the orphanage and they assured me he is better. The same week we also got an assesment with new pictures. This was a really good encouragement after hearing that he had been sick. When I first saw his pictures It looked like a different baby. He has gained 7 lbs since May and is so bright eyed! He looks like a happy healthy six month old! They said he smiles all the time and has started to really interact with the other kids and caretakers. He is improving faster than I would have ever dreamed. I can't tell you how thankful I am for his caretakers. It seems like they love on him and care for him as much as they can. It is such a blessing that it is a christian orphanage with sweet ladies who really love the children. So, G is a growing healthy boy. 

         Also, our case was filed with the court today. The courts are still closed until August 15th but this just means our case is in the waiting line for a court date. This was big for us, its the last step until they give us a court date. But we have hit a little snag. I don't want to give all the details but the main thing is we have to have witnesses that were there when G was found and one of ours isn't cooperating so I ask that you pray that she will so that things can move on smoothly.

      I feel like God has continued to give Jeff and I this strong heart for the orphan. We watched these videos at camp about the kids in Africa and we both left ready to move over there and him teach pastors and me be a nurse. So who knows one day we might just be over there with 15 kids living our dream!

Pray the rest of the court proceedings go smoothly and that the court date will come sooner than later and also that G stays healthy living with so many children and already being sick.

And I wrote a letter to G in my last post check it out if you want!

Oh and we are putting a baby bed together this week! Yay!


  1. I know how you feel! That awful nagging feeling that everything is one word away from tumbling down around you. It's terrifying for anyone, but I think it's especially terrifying for first time mommas. Praying for peace, smooth proceedings, & quick time frames! Love, Bethany

    1. Thanks Bethany! I know you understand the feeling! It is great to have a friend who just went through the same things. So thankful!
